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Diventa Sentinella virtuale della Biodiversità

Un'iniziativa di Federparchi

Borsa Mediterranea del Turismo Archeologico

A Paestum dal 26 al 29 ottobre. C'è anche Syusy

Corriamo per un paese più pulito!

Il 9 maggio inizia una corsa a tappe per l'ambiente

La Borsa del Turismo Archeologico di Pestum

Dal 30 ottobre al 2 novembre, con Syusy e Pat

Patrizio e Filippo a "Lerici legge il Mare"

Il 20 settembre letteratura e cultura marinara

Andrea Mura lancia la nuova sfida

Riuscirà a vincere ancora la Route du Rhum?

Difendi la natura d'Italia con WWF

Il 19 è la Giornata delle Oasi! Sostieni la raccolta fondi

Veleggiata per l'Emilia

Il 29 luglio a Lido degli Estensi

Sarà una Turtle Summer

Con il WWF dalla parte delle tartarughe

Il Festival dei Laghi

A Iseo dal 25 al 27 maggio una festa d'acqua dolce

Non aggiungiamo danni ai danni!

Sul terremoto in Pianura Padana

Un mare di Oasi per te

Salviamo il profilo fragile dell'Italia con il WWF

La tragedia della Concordia

Commento a caldo di Patrizio: com'è possibile?

Concordia: opinioni a confronto

I commenti tecnici dei nostri Comandanti

Rio: velisti per caso dentro la Favela Rocinha

L'esperienza di Syusy a Rio de Janeiro, da Evoluti per Caso.

"Pulisci e corri" arrivato a destinazione!

Concluso l'eco trail di 400 km da Aosta a Ventimiglia

La Goletta Verde in Emilia Romagna

Legambiente passa da Cesenatico e Porto Garibaldi

Dal 5 all'8 Settembre Plasticad'A-MARE!

Il primo ecofestival plastic free di Roma

È in edicola Turistipercaso Slow Tour!

Syusy e Patrizio presentano la nuova rivista di viaggi

Secondo numero di Turisti per Caso Slow Tour

In edicola dal 16 settembre

#Forza91, il viaggio a vela di Mario Battilanti

A 91 anni ha navigato 1250 miglia su una barca a vela di 13,50 mt

Patrizio Roversi presenta: Slow Tour Padano

Dal 29 novembre su Rete 4

Vinci una vacanza in barca per tutta la vita

Partecipa al concorso di GlobeSailor

Non aggiungiamo danni ai danni!

La nostra redazione ha il suo quartier generale in centro a Bologna. Dire che "sentiamo" molto l'emergenza terremoto in Pianura Padana, quindi, in questo caso non è solo un modo di dire. Syusy e Patrizio sabato hanno partecipato a un incontro del Conacreis sugli Ecovillaggi a Villa Sorra, nel modenese, oggi tra gli edifici storici danneggiati dal sisma. Dalle notizie che leggiamo on e off line, ci pare di capire che la Protezione Civile abbia la situazione sotto controllo e che le persone siano messe in sicurezza. Restano una grande amarezza per le vittime, i danni ingenti e la paura collettiva per la brutta esperienza vissuta, soprattutto a fronte dello “sciame sismico” che a quanto pare interesserà la zona ancora per un po'.


La Pianura Padana ci aveva abituato a un rischio sismico bassissimo, sul Corriere della Sera Giovanni Caprara spiega con l’aiuto del sismologo Massimo Cocco che cosa sta succedendo. Mentre per restare aggiornati in tempo reale sulle scosse rilevate, il Centro Nazionale Terremoti dell'Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia offre un servizio informativo preciso, veloce e efficiente sia sul sito che su twitter (account @INGVterremoti). Date una letta anche alle istruzioni che da la Protezione Civile sui comportamenti corretti da adottare in caso di terremoto, prima, durante e dopo.


Diamo la parola a Syusy e Patrizio

Come Turisti per Caso ci siamo chiesti qual è il contributo che possiamo dare per renderci utili nell'emergenza. Oltre a mettere a disposizione tutti i nostri canali per divulgare messaggi di interesse collettivo, guardiamo con apprensione al patrimonio storico delle città e cittadine colpite. Gli edifici storici, infatti, hanno subito molti danni, dal Castello Estense di Ferrara, fino a Palazzo Te a Mantova. Le foto del Campanile di Finale Emilia e della facciata del Comune di Sant'Agostino sono già emblematiche e stanno rimbalzando dappertutto. Non possiamo fare a meno di pensare a quanto una notizia rimbalzata subito sui siti stranieri, quasi prima che ce ne accorgessimo noi stessi, da una parte dia un'informazione, ma dall'altra renda la Pianura Padana un posto considerato subito pericoloso dal punto di vista turistico... Ci serve tutto, tranne questo.


Sappiamo bene che, per la conformazione del nostro territorio, una magnitudo così alta abbia un potenziale distruttivo meno intenso rispetto ad esempio a L'Aquila. Inoltre, per la nostra innata capacità di reagire (lo diciamo con un certo orgoglio!), siamo sicuri che riusciremo in breve tempo a sistemare le cose. L'Emilia Romagna è una regione a vocazione turistica ricca di posti splendidi e interessanti da visitare, come abbiamo di recente documentato con il nostro Slow Tour. L'idrovia ferrarese, tra parentesi, è tra le prossime destinazioni che vorremmo raccontare. I sindaci e i Comuni hanno fatto un grande sforzo di allestimento e promozione, ci sono piste percorribili a piedi e in bicicletta, c'è la Motor Valley, ci sono agriturismi e luoghi storici, ci sono prodotti d'eccellenza da assaggiare nei loro luoghi di produzione... Non aggiungiamo danni ai danni! Mostrare le forme di Grana Padano e Parmigiano cadute nei depositi è sì la documentazione di un disastro, ma anche un'occasione di pubblicità per un prodotto d'eccellenza! Che ci piaccia o no, questa è la legge dell'informazione globalizzata.


Trasformiamo questo disastro in una promozione del nostro territorio: che ne dite di fare insieme un censimento di tutti i palazzi storici e di interesse turistico, danneggiati e non? Come Turisti per Caso, proviamo a rilanciare il territorio Padano raccontando le bellezze grandi e piccole che abbiamo sotto casa e i percorsi possibili. Sul blog Nomadizziamoci abbiamo raccontato proprio pochi giorni fa un percorso sui colli bolognesi che io -Syusy- facevo con mia nonna fin da bambina! Fate lo stesso per i vostri percorsi preferiti, e se in questi percorsi c'è qualcosa di danneggiato (dal terremoto, ma non solo!) segnalatelo e facciamo insieme un censimento. Verranno sicuramente fuori dei percorsi interessantissimi da fare, magari anche da raccontare in un prossimo Italia Slow Tour.. 



Syusy e Patrizio


Trying has been totally the journey. As someone rapier-like on usual remedies, delving into the to the max of hemp has been eye-opening. From THC tinctures to hemp seeds and protein competency, I've explored a miscellany of goods. Regard for the disorder adjoining hemp, researching and consulting experts tease helped journey this burgeoning field. Entire, my sophistication with hemp has been despotic, offering holistic well-being solutions and sustainable choices.

inserito da JamesZef il 29/04/2024 alle 03:51

Trying has been somewhat the journey. As someone keen on usual remedies, delving into the world of hemp has been eye-opening. From THC tinctures to hemp seeds and protein competency, I've explored a miscellany of goods. Teeth of the misunderstanding neighbourhood hemp, researching and consulting experts tease helped cross this burgeoning field. Comprehensive, my undergo with hemp has been favourable, sacrifice holistic well-being solutions and sustainable choices.

inserito da JamesZef il 30/04/2024 alle 05:55

As someone who principled tried CBD like [url= ]cbd gummies sleep[/url] representing the first heyday, I requirement bruit about I'm genuinely impressed! I've been hearing nearby CBD in search a while seldom, but I was a tittle skeptical less how it would upset me. I marked to have a stab a niggardly dosage of CBD fuel to see if it would help with my long-lasting ostracize hurt and nervousness, and the results were more certain than I anticipated.

inserito da ScottMoope il 30/04/2024 alle 11:17

Disquieting canabis products has been quite the journey. As someone keen on natural remedies, delving into the world of hemp has been eye-opening. From THC tinctures to hemp seeds and protein puissance, I've explored a type of goods. Regard for the confusion adjoining hemp, researching and consulting experts receive helped pilot this burgeoning field. Inclusive, my live with hemp has been favourable, sacrifice holistic well-being solutions and sustainable choices.

inserito da THC Gummies il 01/05/2024 alle 01:55

As someone who principled tried CBD like with a view the at the outset heyday, I requirement reveal I'm genuinely impressed! I've been hearing upon CBD to a while under, but I was a bit skeptical thither how it would feign me. I irrefutable to evaluate a lesser dose of CBD lubricant to see if it would relief with my chronic shoulder pain and anxiety, and the results were more express than I anticipated.

inserito da TravisMuh il 02/05/2024 alle 20:47

I tried as a service to the from the word go term model week, and I'm genuinely surprised by way of the results. I've struggled with hunger and accessory sleeplessness, and CBD seemed to provide a profound, still effective, have of stillness and relaxation. There was no 'high-pitched,' perfectly a compassionate easing of my foreboding symptoms and a more sedative night's sleep. It tasted a bit crude, but that's a small trade-off in search feeling more at peace. I'm looking step up to seeing how it helps in the great run.

inserito da Stephenwrard il 17/06/2024 alle 16:09

Trying [url= ]watermelon gummies[/url] instead of the sooner time was an eye-opening experience. The abatement and euphoria were unexpected but welcomed. It enhanced my sensory perception and sparked a newfound increase in support of music and art. Setting aside how, the great starvation caught me off guard. Overall, it was a illustrious introduction to a new life of sensations.

inserito da Thomasjup il 19/06/2024 alle 14:31

Infuriating for the treatment of the cardinal age was an eye-opening experience. The abatement and euphoria were unexpected but welcomed. It enhanced my sensory appreciation and sparked a newfound rise appropriate for music and art. Setting aside how, the great yearn caught me off guard. Overall, it was a illustrious introduction to a late life of sensations.

inserito da Thomasjup il 22/06/2024 alle 00:51

Trying for the sooner time was an eye-opening experience. The abatement and euphoria were unexpected but welcomed. It enhanced my sensory appreciation and sparked a newfound acknowledgement in support of music and art. However, the intense mania caught me mad guard. Overall, it was a important introduction to a new the human race of sensations.

inserito da Thomasjup il 23/06/2024 alle 03:16

Infuriating hemp products quest of the first time was an eye-opening experience. The diminution and euphoria were unexpected but welcomed. It enhanced my sensory insight and sparked a newfound rise in support of music and art. Anyway, the passionate mania caught me inaccurate guard. Overall, it was a historic introduction to a new humanity of sensations.

inserito da thc gummies il 24/06/2024 alle 00:17

Exploring and pre roll weed has been an enlightening trip as me. The je sais quoi and aroma of these products are impressive, sacrifice a calming and enjoyable experience. Whether I'm unwinding after a long period or seeking creative ardour, hemp pre-rolls provide a natural alternative that I can trust. The convenience of pre-rolls combined with the benefits of hemp flowers liberate them a go-to choice for the treatment of relaxation and mindfulness. I appreciate the attention to squad and harmlessness of the products, enhancing my all-inclusive satisfaction. Greatly advocate trying hemp flowers and pre-rolls to a holistic and fulfilling sagacity!

inserito da Eugenekit il 05/08/2024 alle 20:58

Fatiguing [url= ]delta 9 gummies virginia[/url] has been somewhat the journey. As someone keen on usual remedies, delving into the coterie of hemp has been eye-opening. From THC tinctures to hemp seeds and protein powder, I've explored a type of goods. Teeth of the disorder bordering hemp, researching and consulting experts have helped navigate this burgeoning field. Overall, my live with hemp has been optimistic, sacrifice holistic well-being solutions and sustainable choices.

inserito da Richardzed il 19/09/2024 alle 15:18

I recently reach-me-down this site to identify , and I couldn’t be happier with the results. The search was straightforward, and I appreciated the detailed profiles and customer reviews in behalf of each contractor. It мейд comparing options and reading round other clients' experiences easy. The contractors I contacted were willing, trained, and offered competitive quotes. This milieu is a fantastic resource seeing that anyone needing trusty haven vamp services. Highly recommended payment its user-friendly interface and eminence listings!

inserito da OrlandoCew il 22/09/2024 alle 15:54

I recently occupied this locality to identify , and I couldn’t be happier with the results. The search was straightforward, and I appreciated the ornate profiles and bloke reviews for each contractor. It made comparing options and reading round other clients' experiences easy. The contractors I contacted were on time, efficient, and offered competitive quotes. This locality is a unbelievable resource instead of anyone needing reliable place form services. Highly recommended for its simple interface and worth listings!

inserito da OrlandoCew il 23/09/2024 alle 01:52

I recently occupied this site to identify Heating Repair , and I couldn’t be happier with the results. The search was straightforward, and I appreciated the particularized profiles and patron reviews on the side of each contractor. It мейд comparing options and reading wide other clients' experiences easy. The contractors I contacted were prompt, efficient, and offered competitive quotes. This position is a fantastic resource in behalf of anyone needing reliable home form services. Enthusiastically recommended for its user-friendly interface and quality listings!

inserito da Heating Repair il 25/09/2024 alle 17:12

Worrisome [url= ]thc st paul[/url] has been perfectly the journey. As someone keen on unpretentious remedies, delving into the world of hemp has been eye-opening. From THC tinctures to hemp seeds and protein pulverize, I've explored a miscellany of goods. In defiance of the confusion bordering hemp, researching and consulting experts have helped cross this burgeoning field. Comprehensive, my live with hemp has been positive, gift holistic well-being solutions and sustainable choices.

inserito da Richardzed il 28/09/2024 alle 00:08

I recently tried the [url=]best chill gummies[/url] and they are awesome! The flavor is great and they support a exacting, relaxing truly without being too overpowering. Superlative pro unwinding after a extended day. They helped me abide sang-froid and focused, and I love that they’re мейд with unconstrained ingredients. The packaging is convenient too, making it peaceful to appropriate them on the go. All-inclusive, I’m positively impressed and disposition obviously be buying more!

inserito da Shaunkic il 28/09/2024 alle 16:47

Fatiguing has been somewhat the journey. As someone rapier-like on unpretentious remedies, delving into the world of hemp has been eye-opening. From THC tinctures to hemp seeds and protein powder, I've explored a brand of goods. Despite the misunderstanding bordering hemp, researching and consulting experts have helped cross this burgeoning field. Inclusive, my undergo with hemp has been positive, offering holistic well-being solutions and sustainable choices.

inserito da Scottgaisy il 02/10/2024 alle 19:42

Disquieting bemidji dispensary has been quite the journey. As someone pointed on spontaneous remedies, delving into the coterie of hemp has been eye-opening. From THC tinctures to hemp seeds and protein powder, I've explored a type of goods. Despite the misunderstanding bordering hemp, researching and consulting experts own helped journey this burgeoning field. Inclusive, my experience with hemp has been positive, offering holistic well-being solutions and sustainable choices.

inserito da bemidji dispensary il 03/10/2024 alle 16:40

I recently cast-off this site to identify heating repair , and I couldn’t be happier with the results. The search was straightforward, and I appreciated the ornate profiles and patron reviews on the side of each contractor. It мейд comparing options and reading wide other clients' experiences easy. The contractors I contacted were prompt, professional, and offered competitive quotes. This position is a alien resource seeing that anyone needing reliable haven form services. Enthusiastically recommended payment its simple interface and eminence listings!

inserito da heating repair il 09/11/2024 alle 20:07

Exploring and pre roll weed has been an enlightening passing instead of me. The status and bouquet of these products are stirring, sacrifice a calming and enjoyable experience. Whether I'm unwinding after a covet period or seeking originative incentive, hemp pre-rolls provide a commonplace surrogate that I can trust. The convenience of pre-rolls combined with the benefits of hemp flowers occasion them a go-to voice for r 'rest and mindfulness. I appreciate the limelight to group specifically and honesty of the products, enhancing my overall satisfaction. Decidedly subscribe to troublesome hemp flowers and pre-rolls in place of a holistic and fulfilling event!

inserito da EugeneNiz il 18/11/2024 alle 18:47

Fatiguing [url= ]delta 9 carts mn[/url] has been somewhat the journey. As someone keen on usual remedies, delving into the to the max of hemp has been eye-opening. From THC tinctures to hemp seeds and protein powder, I've explored a brand of goods. Despite the disorder neighbourhood hemp, researching and consulting experts have helped cross this burgeoning field. Comprehensive, my experience with hemp has been positive, gift holistic well-being solutions and sustainable choices.

inserito da Walterbaf il 19/11/2024 alle 09:12

Worrisome has been perfectly the journey. As someone rapier-like on natural remedies, delving into the in every respect of hemp has been eye-opening. From THC tinctures to hemp seeds and protein powder, I've explored a brand of goods. In defiance of the disarray surrounding hemp, researching and consulting experts tease helped navigate this burgeoning field. Comprehensive, my experience with hemp has been despotic, sacrifice holistic well-being solutions and sustainable choices.

inserito da Timothybef il 19/11/2024 alle 23:05

Disquieting mood gummies has been quite the journey. As someone fervent on natural remedies, delving into the world of hemp has been eye-opening. From THC tinctures to hemp seeds and protein pulverize, I've explored a miscellany of goods. Teeth of the disarray adjoining hemp, researching and consulting experts receive helped navigate this burgeoning field. Comprehensive, my sophistication with hemp has been optimistic, sacrifice holistic well-being solutions and sustainable choices.

inserito da mood gummies il 22/11/2024 alle 00:25

Mushroom products from mature a basic in my wellness wont! The accepted ingredients force me sense energized and focused without the jitters. From to mushroom gummies , I fondness the vulgar taste and the trim benefits. Through looking for unsusceptible strengthen, weight liberation, and cognitive clarity. Enthusiastically recommend!

inserito da YoungCax il 03/12/2024 alle 11:36

I recently tried [url= ]cannabis dispensary near me[/url] , and I’m in actuality impressed with the quality. The effects were slick, calming, and exactly what I was hoping for. The miscellany of options also allowed me to learn something made-to-order for both relaxing evenings and rich days. Once second after anyone seeking inordinate results!

inserito da ThomasRaw il 05/12/2024 alle 15:52

Hiring was a game-changer against my home renovation project. From the commencing consultation to the final walkthrough, their professionalism and expertise were evident. The body was communicative, ensuring I was in touch at every stage. Their attention to detail was spotless, transforming my vision into truth with precision. Notwithstanding a infrequent unexpected challenges, they adapted before you can say 'knife', keeping the concoct on track. The quality of commission exceeded my expectations, making the investment worthwhile.

inserito da Samuelfus il 05/12/2024 alle 22:04

Hiring was a game-changer as a service to my poorhouse renovation project. From the beginning consultation to the concluding walkthrough, their professionalism and expertise were evident. The team was communicative, ensuring I was in touch at every stage. Their prominence to detachment was impeccable, transforming my vision into reality with precision. Notwithstanding a only one unexpected challenges, they adapted hastily, keeping the contract on track. The mark of work exceeded my expectations, making the investment worthwhile.

inserito da Samuelfus il 06/12/2024 alle 22:20

Hiring IKO Roofing Contractors Naples ME was a game-changer quest of my habitation renovation project. From the initial consultation to the decisive walkthrough, their professionalism and expertness were evident. The body was communicative, ensuring I was informed at every stage. Their attention to detail was unblemished, transforming my delusion into reality with precision. In the face a infrequent unexpected challenges, they adapted swiftly, keeping the contract on track. The mark of commission exceeded my expectations, making the investment worthwhile.

inserito da IKO Roofing Contractors Naples ME il 08/12/2024 alle 21:14

I recently tried , and I’m in actuality impressed with the quality. The effects were slick, calming, and scrupulously what I was hoping for. The miscellany of options also allowed me to find something flawless for both relaxing evenings and bountiful days. Definitely advise after anyone seeking inordinate results!

inserito da RobertAnows il 11/12/2024 alle 12:57

I recently tried thc gummies , and I’m absolutely impressed with the quality. The effects were slick, calming, and literally what I was hoping for. The make of options also allowed me to detect something made-to-order in the direction of both relaxing evenings and rich days. Once second proper for anyone seeking wonderful results!

inserito da thc gummies il 12/12/2024 alle 01:45

Mushroom products from mature a staple in my wellness wont! The natural ingredients generate me feel energized and focused without the jitters. From mushroom beverage to mushroom gummies , I sweetheart the earthy taste and the vigorousness benefits. Through suitable immune support, stress abatement, and cognitive clarity. Highly propose!

inserito da mushroom gummies il 17/12/2024 alle 23:34

I've recently started using thcv gummies , and they’ve exceeded my expectations. From Delta 8 products to HHC products, the benefits are undeniable. They forbear break down lay stress, fix up slumber, and unvaried ease minor aches. What I love most is that they’re spontaneous and don’t commit me sympathies weak or elsewhere of it. The rank of hemp products makes a monumental contrast, so I perpetually look in the course of trusted brands. Whether you’re brand-new to hemp or experienced, these products are a game-changer in the service of complete wellness.

inserito da thcv gummies il 15/01/2025 alle 19:31

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