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The harbour and its famous Wall


Artists' promenade

Albissola, home of ceramics

Artisan masters since more than 500 years


Sports on land and sea


And the prehistory prince

Pertini's Stella

Patrizio visits the town where President Sandro Pertini was born

Marina di Andora

A public harbour with social significance

Marina di Loano

Syusy tests the moorings of Loano


The fifth maritime republic


Walking through the history...

Savona: tourist harbour

A little jewel since Middle Age

Savona: Stazione Marittima

Il polo mercantile e culturale del Palacrociere

Savona slices and focaccias

Tasting local street food


A place of mysteries

The Cetacean Sanctuary

Sighting whales in the Ligurian Sea


Log book

Actually the true name of the town is Albisola, but in 1613 a clerk of the council made a mistake, writing the name with two s’s. This is explained by Giovanni Poggi, a potter that accompanies us on our walk around the town. We start from Piazza Lam, named for the twentieth-century Cuban surrealist painter Wifredo Lam, who did a mosaic of one of his most famous paintings, “The jungle” also displayed at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Albissola is a town of artists, who have left their traces around the town. Going along the street from Piazza Lam to the sea, we reach the “Artists’ promenade.” A street 800 metres long, with a mosaic flooring in which there are twenty panels done beginning from the drawings of various artists. A true “outdoor museum”, born from an idea of an employee of the council, Adolfo Testa, and the artist Aligi Sassu.

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