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The Marina and the museum of technologies and the environment


A small seaside village


Fishermen harbour

Chiavari e il centro Navimeteo

Un Marina all'avanguardia, attrezzato e ecologico

Genoa Old Harbour

A 5-star marina, in the heart of the city

Genoa Airport Marina

The first harbour you meet from west

Genoa old wharf

The heart of the Genoa Old Port

Genoa maritime station

A great point of departure and arrival

Sestri Ponente Naval League club

When the sea is a passion

Genoa Naval League

A growing harbour

Genoa the Aquarium

Syusy and Zoe, between sharks, dolphins and manatees

Genoa: art in the city

Luzzati Museum and Via Garibaldi

Genoa il Galata

The Museum of the Sea and the submersible Nazario Sauro

Genoa the Lantern

One of the most significant places in the city

Genova: I Tre Merli

Assaggiate la ricchissima "cucina povera" ligure

Portofino tourist harbour

One of the most famous bays in the world

Genoa Fiera harbour

It means Boat Show and ... "Scuba Pole"!


The village, the history and the park museum

Lavagna harbour

The largest port in the Mediterranean sea

Rapallo public harbour

With a strong “social harbour” vocation

Rapallo Carlo Riva harbour

Dedicated to the legendary naval architect

Dragut castle

...and the assault of 1549

San Fruttuoso

Il Cristo degli abissi e l'Abbazia

Santa Margherita Ligure

Mayor and village. And the Imperial Hotel!

Santa Margherita Ligure tourist harbour

Natural and welcoming harbour, there is also a dog beach!

Sestri Levante

Lo yacht club nella "baia delle favole"

Rapallo public harbour

Log book


Patrizio enters the public harbour of Rapallo and meets the commander, Cristian Ferrari. The harbour is divided in two: on one side there is the public part and on the other the Carlo Riva harbour. It has about 500 boat places and is divided into 3 wharfs belonging to no profit associations: the Naval League, the Fishermen’s Club and the Sailing Club. Two other wharfs are used by private concessionaires that make boat places available to customers. The harbour has a strong “social harbour” vocation; it hosts events and sets aside a full 54 metres of its own quay as a rescue wharf, used by the fire service and the harbourmaster’s office in the case of accidents at sea.


The Tigullio Gulf is sheltered and calm, and for this reason very popular. So you have to be careful to avoid acting foolishly, and go slowly and give way! Further information can be obtained at the Rapallo Local Maritime Office, open every day including Saturday, and sometimes even on Sunday (the number is 1530, active 24/7).

Patrizio continues his exploration together with Paolo Muscas, President of the Rapallo Naval League, proud to declare that here the Naval League is the soul of social life! In collaboration with the Sailing Club and the Fishermen’s Club it runs a lot of sporting activities, organizes rowing and sailing schools, and promotes the idea that sailing is not (and mustn’t be!) reserved only for the privileged few. The “experts” of the Tigullio Gulf recommend to yachters in transit absolutely not to miss Portofino, Sanfruttuoso, Lavagna and the Bay of Poets. The Gulf is very safe, so much so it has been renamed the “Gulf of nesci”, i.e. of dummies!


The harbour provides the following services:

  • Financial services - ATM
  • Maritime bureaucratic services
  • Laundromat
  • Fishing articles
  • Short-stay car park
  • Long-stay car park
  • Post
  • Broker services
  • Catering services
  • Pharmacy
  • Services for animals

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