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Assonautica harbour La Spezia

Right at the end of the Gulf

Bocca di Magra

Between the Apuan Alps and the river mouth

Castelnuovo Magra

Vermentino or Sciacchetrà?

La Spezia naval museum

A journey in the history of navigation

La Spezia: Gulf Palio

An historical competition

La Spezia: Porto Mirabello

Yachters are all equal

The road of love

The romantic coast of La Spezia, Riomaggiore


The harbor, surfing and... anchovies


The Cinque Terre national park

Fezzano harbour

The very west side of La Spezia Gulf


A village spontaneous... out of this world


Montale's hometown, in the Cinque Terre national park


Intact nature reserve

Pontremoli: Museum of the Stele Statues

What do we know of our prehistory?

Porto delle Grazie

And the tradition of ancient boats

Porto Venere

A treasure in the Gulf of La Spezia

Riomaggiore, Manarola e Monesteroli

Cinque Terre national park: turism, land and agriculture

San Terenzo: Villa Shelley

Back in time to the first '800


Mario Soldati's hometown, literature and trekking


Verso gli scavi archeologici della Villa romana

Porto Lotti

On the Gulf of La Spezia


Log book

At the edge of the Gulf of La Spezia we find Tellaro, the adoptive village of the writer Mario Soldati, perched on the rocks. After arriving in the village, we climb on foot towards the top through a tunnel that in the past was the only safe way to get around the village, when the sea reached the square. It is a little tiring, but it is worth it.

From here you can continue along a series of itineraries, for instance to Porto Venere and Bocca di Magra. There is a path for experienced excursionists that starts from a central little square in the village of Tellaro and goes to Punta Bianca, along the high road of the Gulf to reach Montemarcello and beyond, Bocca di Magra.

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